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Putnam County R-I Schools



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From the Desk of Dr. Halley: Energy Emergency, February 16, 2021.

In this edition of 60 Seconds (or more) with the Super, Dr. Halley discusses the current energy emergency and how you can do your part to help. The following letter from David Wood and Anthony Everett of USDI explains the energy demand issues due to extreme cold and provides tips for you to do your part to help conserve energy.

Energy Demand Issues Due to Extreme Cold Information From USDI

If you have additional questions regarding the energy emergency, please direct your calls to USDI at 660-947-3316 or visit www.usdi.us.

All school functions, practices, Kindergarten registration, dances, NJHS induction, basketball games, and school are canceled through February 20, 2021. Thank you for doing your part. Stay safe and warm, Putnam!