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Putnam County R-I Schools



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Lightbox Learning

We've added five new items to our eBook collection that we think will be a positive addition to your classrooms.  These can be used by an unlimited number of users simultaneously, and include audio, video, curated websites and google maps relevant to the subject.


So far we have the following titles:


The American Revolutionary War

Animal Farm 

Civil War and Reconstruction

The Giver

The Great Depression


To access these Lightbox products, click on the putnamcountyr1.net bookmarks on the upper left of your computer screen, and choose library systems, then high school, catalog, lightbox as type of material, hit enter and click on the item of your choice and open.  Your username is mstest, password is 123456.  While you're there, you might also check out our eBook collection using the same username and password.


Please take a few minutes to look at one of these and give us your feedback.


If you want to see the same product in a science format, check out the elementary library, and search "glaciers", opening it with username: guest and 123456 as the password.  Students can virtually visit glaciers throughout the world, see one calve and join explorers onsite through interactive videos, activities and more.