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PCHS Class of 2024 Senior Spotlight: Morgan White

🎓 Senior Spotlight: Morgan White 🎓

Let's celebrate the incredible achievements of Morgan White from the PCHS Class of 2024! 🌟💙

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Parents: Morgan is the daughter of Dale and Shyla White.

🎲 Family Fun: Morgan's favorite pastime with her family is playing the board game "Ticket to Ride," creating memorable moments filled with laughter and friendly competition.

🌟 Inspiration Journey: Morgan finds inspiration in her friends, who provide understanding and support during times of frustration, shaping her outlook on life and resilience.

🎭 Extracurricular Adventures: Engaging in Art Club and Drama has allowed Morgan to explore different facets of herself and contribute positively to her peer community, fostering creativity and collaboration.

🎨 Proudest Achievement: Morgan takes pride in the unique art pieces she has created, showcasing her creativity and dedication to her craft.

🎉 Memorable Moment: A memorable moment for Morgan was during a prom set-up meeting when her classmates took turns wearing the Prom Queen crown and making silly faces, highlighting the joy and camaraderie shared among friends.

🌱 Growth & Advice: Morgan emphasizes the importance of focusing on school work and grades, offering valuable advice to incoming freshmen to stay focused and prioritize their academic pursuits.

🎭 Favorite Class: Drama holds a special place in Morgan's heart, offering an environment of organized chaos where creativity flourishes and bonds are formed.

🎨 Off-School Bliss: Outside of school, Morgan enjoys watching "Supernatural" with her mom and working on art projects, finding solace and joy in creative endeavors.

💭 Three Words: Enigmatic, creative, thoughtful—traits that define Morgan's unique personality and perspective.

👩‍👧 Admiration: Morgan admires her mom for her unwavering support and guidance, always lending a listening ear and offering words of encouragement during challenging times.

🌍*Future Plans: Morgan aspires to travel and experience different cultures, broadening her horizons and embracing diverse perspectives.

🌟 High School Reflection: Morgan describes her high school experience as challenging but rewarding, filled with growth, friendship, and memorable moments that have shaped her into the person she is today.

👩‍🏫 Impactful Educators: Mr. Elson, Mr. Buller, and Mr. Carleton have had a significant impact on Morgan's high school journey, providing support, guidance, and encouragement, especially during senior year.

👋 Missed Moments: Morgan will miss spending time with her friends and favorite teachers, cherishing the bonds formed and the memories created during her high school years.

📖 Favorite Quote: "You just have to surround yourself with people who have the same heart as you." - Courtney Peppernell

🎉 Congratulations, Morgan! We are #PutnamProud of your achievements and excited to see where your journey takes you! 🎉